Tuesday, January 3, 2012

10 Affordable Birthday Gifts Under $20

10 Affordable Birthday Gifts Under

If you are looking for some affordable birthday gift ideas, you can make a beautiful present under by personalizing any suitable item for your loved one. Just by putting in a little bit of your time and effort you can transform an inexpensive product into a unique and cherished birthday gift.

Listed below are 10 affordable birthday gift ideas which will cost you less but will mean the world to your loved ones:

1. Birthday scroll - Instead of a basic card you can prepare a birthday scroll for your loved one. You can choose silk or beautiful handmade paper to write a note in and present the scroll with a bunch of flowers which will make one of the most touching birthday gifts.

2. Handmade pendant - You can pick up a chain with a pretty pendant and then put a personalized touch to it by inserting some pretty beads and stones in it. This will make a beautiful and affordable gift which will be received by your loved ones with excitement and happiness.

3. Autographed book - Gifting your friends or family members with a book written and autographed by their favorite author will make for one of the most special and loved birthday presents. You can always enquire in bookshops for autographed books well in advance so that they can give you a copy before the d-day.

4. Picture Collage - If you have a collection of photographs of your loved one, you can make a lovely picture Collage by mounting them on a soft board. This will make for a great birthday gift and while it will cost you under the present will be highly valued by him or her.

5. Portrait mug - A portrait mug sporting a great picture of your close one on it will also make for a unique birthday gift. You can include a birthday message along with the date which will turn a common mug into a priced memento.

6. Theme birthday cake - If you are fond of baking you can prepare a birthday cake with a theme which can be based on your loved one's favorite hobby or cartoon character. You can also order in a personalized cake from his or her favorite bakery.

7. Personalized lamp shade - By picking up a plain lampshade you can personalize it into a unique birthday gift by painting beautiful motifs or your loved one's Sun sign on it which will make it unique while costing much less than $ 20.

8. Printed tee-shirt - There are a large number of tee-shirt outlets that offer printing services for customers. You can choose a tee-shirt in your loved ones favorite shade and then print a mice photograph or the image of his or her favorite pop star over it which would make a great and affordable gift.

9. Painted candle stands - You can also pick up plain glass candle stands from the market and then paint them in bright and attractive mosaic shades. The candle stands will make for a great gift that can be used around the house and will bring back fond memories to your loved ones for a long time.

10. Teddy bear delivery - Another great way of sending in an affordable but great birthday gift is through a teddy bear delivery. All you have to do is to go online and order a suitable teddy bear which will be delivered on the birthday into the hands of your loved one and will make him very special indeed.

In some ways a small gift of under can be much more valuable to your loved ones on their birthday than the most luxurious of gifts in the world as it would reflect your feelings and sentiments in a completely personalized way.

10 Affordable Birthday Gifts Under


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